Let’s Set The Record Straight About – Customizing Your Insurance

Today’s clever insurance commercials are a necessary evil. They provide more information about bundling and saving and less about the coverages you, your family, and your business really need.

We can change that by simply asking the right questions.

Customizing Your Insurance

No insurance company owns a monopoly on helping you customize your insurance.


Commercials, Commercials, Commercials

Commercials are designed to increase brand awareness using gimmicks, including celebrity spokespersons, animals, car crashes and chases, and, well, anything they think you will remember when it is time to buy insurance.

Does Every Company Allow You To Customize Your Insurance?

You can customize your home, life, auto, renters, co-op, condo, disability, long-term care, personal umbrella, and, yes, even your flood insurance with any company licensed to do business in the State of New York and every other state in the Union.

Every company gives you the ability to customize your insurance.

Every single one.

The problem is that most consumers aren’t served by most of the television commercials aired today.

They are goaded into a perpetual state of dissatisfaction with their current career, even when their current career is doing a good job for them.

It’s What Consumers Don’t Know About Their Insurance Which Hurts Them

Each year, I make at least 25 insurance-based presentations for HUD-approved housing agencies and organizations such as Neighborhood Housing Services of New York City, Harlem Churches for Community Improvement, and Impacct. I always ask those in attendance to tell me their automobile insurance coverages. Inevitably, 14 out of 15 give the same answer, “Full Coverage.”

Not 25/50/10.

Not 250/500/100.

Full coverage.

When I ask them how much their policies cover in an accident, they usually reply that they’re not sure, but they did save money by bundling their home and auto.


Buying What You Need Is A Two-Edged Sword

As long as the policy or policies quoted for you meet your state’s required minimum coverage limits, buying the cheapest policy or bundle possible is actually all you need.

What if, though, you just struck and killed a pedestrian or lost control of your vehicle and totaled a house? Will your policy provide you with the actual amount of money you will need when the jury hands down some obscenely massive award against you?

Imagine coming home to find;

  • Your home is on fire.
  • Two (2) feet of toxic sewage water sloshing about your finished basement.
  • Burglars paid you an expensive visit while you are at work or the market.
  • Your good dog had a bad day.
  • There are three feet of floodwater in your home, and you don’t own a flood insurance policy.

What Questions Should I Ask?

  • What, if any, hoops must I jump through in case of a claim?
  • Are policy coverages or exceptions more important to know?
  • Why do I have duties after a loss?
  • In case of a covered cause of loss, how easily will my claim be settled?
  • Is your claim service fair?

What Should My Insurance Company and/or Independent Agent and Broker Teach Me?

  • Why buying home insurance based on your home’s replacement cost is essential.
  • How to determine your condominium and cooperative apartment “walls in” insurance coverage based on what a licensed contractor would charge to completely repair fire or water-damaged walls, ceilings, and floors.
  • It is important for renters to complete a personal home inventory down to the last sweat sock.
  • How owning Life and Disability insurance will prevent financial disaster should death or disability destroy the earning power of a family breadwinner.
  • Reasons why every property policy should include Water and Sewer Backup coverage. And why every cooperative and condominium apartment owner should add the Loss Assessment endorsement to their coverage.
  • Why buying flood insurance, even when their home is not in a high-risk flood zone, is a smart financial move.

And, of course, what coverages do I actually need to protect my family and home from most disasters?

The other day a woman asked me for my honest opinion of who I felt was the best insurance company out there.

My answer?

The one with whom you secured the proper policies, with sufficient coverages, which is in force at the time of your claim.

A company that won’t make you jump through hoops to settle a  claim fairly. An independent insurance agent and broker willing and able to service your policies. With premiums accurately reflecting the coverages your policies provide.

Nothing else matters.

As for the commercials, well, give my regards to Broadway.

At least until we can enjoy live theater again. Until then, stay healthy and safe.


Eustace L. Greaves, Jr., LUTCF is an independent insurance agent and broker, licensed to conduct business in New York State. Contact Eustace at 718-783-2722, 718-489-2218, by email at [email protected] or by completing the contact form on this page, or  one of the many contact forms on his website, https://greavesinsurance.com.



Wash Your Hands and Your Face Too!

There’s More To Life Than Just Washing Your Hands

If there is one thing we will all take from the experience of surviving (hopefully), COVID-19, it is this:

We all learned the simple act of washing our hands properly and often is key to disease protection.

Well, to quote Derrick Coleman, “Well whoop dee ding dang do.”

No matter where you look during these Covid-19 days, you are reminded of the importance of handwashing. There are signs, videos, I mean, did most of us fail kindergarten? When I attended P. S. 129K for kindergarten, my essential education included education in the proper use of rhythm sticks, marching in a circle,  zipping up your pants before leaving the bathroom, and the correct way to wash our hands.

Oh, and eating pretzel sticks layered with enough giant salt crystals to give a bull elephant high blood pressure.

With all the hullabaloo about washing our hands, there is one important procedure no one is talking about.

What, pray tell, could it be?

Don’t Touch It. It May Be Filthier Than Your Hands

How about washing your face?

You know, the thing you’re not supposed to touch with your hands as you might transmit disease through the mucous membranes around your eyes, or into your mouth.

How many times do you wash your face each day, I mean really get your rag and soap it up and scrub your face until your skin glows? Not the glow from the makeup layered on your skin, but the healthy glow from facial pores saying, “Hallelujah! We see the light!”

Then, scrub your neck until there’s no dirt left to stain your collar.

Get Behind Your Ears, Too

And don’t forget to get the crud from behind your ears, and the surface wax and filth from the surface of your ears. It would be a shame for someone to actually want to nibble on them, only to gag and spit out whatever lives there.

So take the time to scrub your face, ears, and neck at least two or three times a day.

If nothing else, you’ll be touching a clean face with clean hands.

And you won’t be like Shrek, pulling enough earwax out of your ear to make a candle.

Eustace L. Greaves, Jr., LUTCF is a New York State licensed Independent Insurance Agent and Broker who tends to look at life way differently than most people.

You can reach him at 718-489-2218, 718-783-2722, or by email at [email protected] for home, renters, life, disability, flood, coop condo insurance coverage quotes, and policy reviews.

Family Quarter Conversations

I can only imagine the scene in the Family Quarters of the White House last night. Barak has dried Michelle’s tears, (or, more likely, she’s dried his), and they are hugging each other.

I can only imagine the scene in the Family Quarters of the White House last night. Barak has dried Michelle’s tears, (or, more likely,  she’s dried his), and they are hugging each other.

There’s a soft knock at the door, and their two beautiful daughters come into their bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Daddy, does America really hate you so much?”

” Seems so sweetie.”

“Why Daddy?”

“I guess racial hatred makes America just not really ready for prime time yet kiddo.”

Their conversation is interrupted by another knock at the door.

“That had better not be Joe,” President Obama joked.

The door opened and Grandma walked in. Wearily, she walked over to the sitting chair, and sat down .

She looked over to her family, taking in the sight.


“Yes Mom?”

“How they like you now?”


“And Barak?”

“Joe is outside. He needs a hug too.”

Eustace L. Greaves, Jr. is, most importantly, a Father. A Father who is praying for an America which has lost it’s way. 

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