Ask The Expert – Real Estate – Marcia Clarke, NYS Licensed Real Estate Broker

I am honored to welcome Marcia Clarke, NYS Licensed Real Estate Broker, as a guest contributor to Brooklyn Covered. Marcia brings a wealth of experience and insights to buying and selling real estate.
In this post, Marcia Clarke shares timely information for buyers and sellers who are keen on taking advantage of the late fall real estate market during the holiday season.
Take advantage of the late Fall real estate market while everyone is shopping for the holidays.
At this time of year, a brave few souls venture into the real estate market. This is a smart move as it slows as the real estate market usually cools down at the end of October. According to the National Association of Realtors, sales of existing homes drop about 30% between December and January and traditionally picks up in early Spring.

Give yourself a new home in time for the holidays!
Holiday home buyers are serious about buying, and doing it quickly, visiting available open houses while others are off at the mall. For sellers, the holidays can be profitable. There is no better time to show a house than when a tasteful Christmas tree, wreath, and sparkling lights make a house feel like a potential buyer’s future home.
If you’re selling during the holidays, take this advice from staging experts:
* Keep it simple. Take down personal pictures. Put up Christmas decorations that include a tree, a wreath, and a few strands of lights outside. Place a few nicely wrapped presents under the tree.
* Play holiday music softly. Display potted evergreens in place of potted flowers.
* Some sellers even place photos or a scrapbook of the home during the summer.
The late fall holiday season is a great time to look for your new home
For buyers there is less competition from others, so they have a good negotiating position with sellers who want to move quickly. If a buyer finds a house during the holidays, it is possible that he or she will be able to come to an agreement with the seller to accommodate cherished holiday plans.
Marcia Clarke is an NYS licensed Real Estate Broker. She is the Owner and Broker of M C Realty Consulting & Management, Inc., located at 1431 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11226.
You can reach her by telephone at 718-484-8582, or by email at [email protected].
You can reach Eustace L. Greaves, Jr., a.k.a. BrooklynCovered at 718-489-2218 or by email at [email protected]. He stands ready to assist you with your personal insurance needs.
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